Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I would love to post something exciting, humorous or at least something interesting, but I've got nothing.

I do have A's in most of my classes at the moment which is a plus. Philosophy is proving harder than expected.

I still hate my job, the only thing that has changed is that maybe I hate it more now????
On that note, a customer walks in the door throws his hands up in the air and shouts, "Pump 7 is gone! Just Gone! It has went blank and is beeping. I put my card in and it just went down!" I look at my co-worker and tell her, " I'll check it out." I walk outside and as I am walking past another gentlemen he calls out to me and says, " It's not working cause he beat the hell out of it."
I look at the irate customer and ask him, "Did you do that?" Irate customer, "Hell ya, it wouldn't take my card!" Me, exasperated, " Really, Really..You start beating on a machine that is worth thousands of dollars because it won't take your card, then you complain that it's not working?" Long story short I get his info and it's between him and Sunoco now. I just can't believe people. Their stupidity amazes me. Each day brings new levels.

I told my husband the other day that if I do get my degree in nursing, that if there is a floor just with just coma patients on it, that's where I'm working...



Mildred Ratched said...

Don't work on a psych unit or else you may get me as a patient and I know you wouldn't want that!

~Vital~ said...

I am staying well away from those units, they would for sure admit me.

Mildred Ratched said...

I think the "c" word describes Mildred better.

~Vital~ said...

you guyus crack me up!
