Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Back on route

Ok, made a few calls, got things straightened out and I am going to be back on route this weekend. Apparently my ops manager and his boss got into a pissing match and I lost. Go figure.

After I called his boss, he gave me the route back but let me know that he has something else in store for my ops manager. I could careless just as long as it does not effect me. Just let me do my job.

The main reason why I want this route is it pays well in tips at Christmas. I already have my envelopes designed. Last year We made 1500.00 in tips at Christmas. It's a nice chunk of change.

It's hard work as the papers get really huge during the holidays. Last year's Thanksgiving paer weighed 8lbs. a each. I had over 2400lbs in my car in just paper weight. We put these paers together and bag them, them THROW these heafty babies out the windows...all 340 of them. It's work. You try throw 8lbs 10 to 15 feet 340 times. It is work, but for some reason I love it. I turn the Christmas music up and sing while I throw. I have a good time.

I wonder if I gonna miss this after I get my RN?


bonnie said...

Hey there, it was nice that you visited my blog. You know, RNs can get really good tips at Christmas, depends on where you work. My sister CLEANS UP. How come the weather map covers up some of your words? I wish I could read ALL of them. But don't worry, I think I got the gist of it.

Billy said...

Don't worry about not having anything to throw. You will be able to lift people out of bed when they need it. That will give you a workout! I can just picture you throwing those people, I mean papers. ;)