Thursday, January 31, 2008

Back Together

My Husband and I are back together again. We have been back together since the day after Christmas. Yes, it has been quit hard at times. I go through a roller coaster of emotions. I get very angry at times when I think about what all he did and said....but having said me stupid...I love him. He seems to love me as well, but then I am always questioning whether or to trust what he says and does...I also don't trust my own emotions at times. I check his phone all the time. I question how long it took him to go to the store, etc. It was really bad at first, but it has gotten easier. But...still.

Yes she is pregnant, but it seems she was pregnant before she got together with my husband. She's one of those cons looking for someone to take advantage of. She nailed my husband for sure. My husband was keeping in some contact with her at first because the question of him being father or not. He has since quit his job and is without a job at the moment...guess what? She lost interest in him. She is now going to get back with her old live in know the one she left for my husband?!

The boyfriend had moved out of state not long after this all happened. He is suspposedly coming back this weekend to see his daughter and to pick Buffy..yes, Buffy up. She says it is only while he has their daughter, but who yeah fooling? This is sooo Jerry Springer that I can't believe this is my life right now. She is still trying to use my husband to some extent, but he has now seen the light. She tried calling him the other night at 4AM...yes 4AM cause she thought I was at work. I answered the phone and said," Nice try Buffy....not gonna happen" Did I tell you I kicked her out of my husbands house? Well I did. Walked right in their and told her to pack her shit and get the fuck out...she promptly did. She's a bit afraid of me...and the evil side of me loves it...the sainer side of me is afraid she really needs to be....

But to end this for now...Hubby and I are doing well for the moment..who knows what tomorrow will bring...I'm leaving it in GOD's capable hands.

Love to all

1 comment:

Billy said...

Glad things are getting back to normal. I was worried about you. Have a great weekend!